TLMM #013: The Power Of Email Marketing Newsletters For Local Small Business Consultants And Digital Marketing Agency Owners

Read time: 4 mins

In this week’s issue, I want to talk about how email marketing newsletters should be the bare minimum amount of email marketing you do in your business as a Local Small Business Consultant or Digital Marketing Agency Owner…

Email newsletters are often overlooked because their intention is to provide value rather than to make a sale, even though when done correctly can build the KLT factor (know, like, trust) between you and your prospective clients.

You can write these yourself, but should consider either purchasing “Done-For-You” (DFY) email newsletters or hiring someone to write them for you.

So with that in mind…

Let’s dive in.


Why You Should Be Utilizing Email Newsletters

When done correctly, email newsletters can make a huge difference in how well received your business is with your clients/customers.

Email newsletters have a higher perceived value than just plain email marketing…

A well polished email newsletter will come across as “professional” and give you a leg up on your competition.

Your client/customers will also likely hold you and your business to a higher standard…

And thus you’ll likely build a better reputation and bond with your prospective clients/customers giving you a higher chance to convert more of them into actual clients/customers.

Just like I’m doing right now by providing this email newsletter, The Local Marketing Minute, once per week to you!


The Differences Between An Email Newsletter And “Other” Emails

The primary difference between an email newsletter and your standard email is the length…

But there are other differences as well such as…

  • Overall Theme
  • Content
  • Value

The three aforementioned differences can be done in other emails as well, but usually the other emails are missing one or more of those pieces either intentionally or unintentionally.


The Content You Should Include In Your Email Newsletters

First of all, it’s best if you can come up with an overall theme for your email newsletter(s).

Notice, I said “newsletter(s)”, plural?

That’s because it’s perfectly fine to have more than one email newsletter if you so choose to do so.

It really all depends on what information you want to convey to your audience…

And what your audience is most interested in.

Your overall theme will dictate what content to include in your email newsletter(s).

For instance…

I have email newsletters for my Digital Marketing Agency that are focused on social media and more specifically…

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Google My Business (now Google Business Profile)
  • YouTube

Of course, I could have one email newsletter that talks about all of those social media networks…

But I thought it would end up making my email newsletter too long.

So I decided to break them up into four separate email newsletters.

In fact, I’ll likely end up adding at least four more in the near future…

Those will probably include…

  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • Twitter

My goals with these email newsletters are two-fold…

  1. To provide value by helping to educate my clients/customers about each social media network
  2. To help position myself and my business as the go to expert when it comes to all things social media marketing


How Often You Should Send Your Email Newsletters

I think it’s best to send an email newsletter either once per month or once per week, but no more.

This does a couple of things…

  1. You don’t have to come up with as many topics as often as you would with regular emails you might send out on daily basis
  2. Since the email newsletter’s length is longer than normal, it’s more likely to get fully read since it’s being sent less frequently

Plus, when your email newsletter(s) are only published once per month or once per week…

Your audience (prospects/clients/customers) will be anticipating when they’ll receive your next email newsletter.

This will likely help you get a higher open rate…

Thus increasing your email marketing deliverability with all of the major ISPs (Internet Service Providers), i.e. Google (, Yahoo, Microsoft ( and, Apple (,, and

If you don’t know what I’m talking about or you’ve never done email marketing before, I completely understand if this is all a little bit overwhelming for you…

But don’t worry, if you just jump in you’ll have a full understanding of it all soon!

And that’s why I suggest you purchase DFY email newsletters or hire someone to write them for you.

You can think of these email newsletters like a “gateway drug” to email marketing. LOL 😉


Why You Should Send “Other” Emails Too

Don’t get me wrong…

Email newsletters are great…

But you also need those “other” emails too.

The “other” emails I speak of are the ones most people who haven’t done a whole lot of email marketing tend to shy away from…

You know, the big, bad, scary emails…


LOL! 🙂

Just in case you didn’t know…

Sales emails are the emails that actually ask someone to make a purchase.

Most people are afraid to ask for the sale…

And it’s really no different for them to be afraid to ask for the sale in email as well.

If you’re one of those people, it’s OK…

I completely understand.

Everyone pretty much starts out that way…

And the only way to change that is to just do it! (sorry, not sorry Nike!)

Yes, you just need to understand that it’s perfectly OK to send sales emails to your prospects/clients/customers.

Email is still the best marketing channel to make a sale PERIOD!

Don’t even get me started on how often you should or shouldn’t email your list! 😉

That’s a subject for a whole other newsletter…

No, not really…

In all seriousness, you’ll have the most success emailing your list at least once per day.

And there’s no crime in emailing 2 or 3x per day either.

I can hear it now…

“But what about unsubscribes?”

Who cares?!?! 😉

The people who unsubscribe, you don’t want any way…

It’s their loss, not yours…

Happy emailing!


See you again next week.
When you’re ready… 😉

Here are all the ways I can help you…

1. Free your time and scale your Digital Marketing Agency without increasing your workload by getting easy to sell recurring clients in 8 weeks or less here.

2. Build better, faster “Hybrid Sales Funnel Websites” which are proven to reduce bounce rate and generate more leads & sales here.

3. Easily schedule & recycle 18,000+ images in over 101+ niche/industry specific image packs here.

4. Use these high quality professionally designed social media image packs in over 101+ niches/industries here.

5. Level up your knowledge through training programs & done-for-you digital assets specifically for Local Small Business Consultants and Digital Marketing Agency Owners here.

6. Turn your social media profiles into lead generating landing pages here.

7. Remove the complexity, confusion, and overwhelm when it comes to connecting all the tech with sales funnels, email marketing and paid ads here.

Here are some shortcuts to my socials and other important information… 😉

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