Read time: 4 mins
In this week’s issue, I want to talk about how to make 2023 your best year yet as a Local Small Business Consultant or Digital Marketing Agency Owner…
But don’t worry this has nothing to do with New Year’s resolutions…
And more about assessing and improving upon your current actions.
So with that in mind…
Let’s dive in!
Make A List And Check It Twice
Open a notebook, get a piece of paper and then draw a line right down the middle… or open a Google Doc (I created for you below)
Then, write down everything that was a pro from 2022 in the left hand column…
And write down everything that was a con from 2022 in the right hand column…
Hopefully your left hand column is much longer than the right hand column, but it isn’t don’t worry, that’s why we’re doing this exercise.
After you’ve completed your list…
Then on a new sheet, start writing down everything you typically do everyday (in your business and your life).
You’ll want to be meticulous with this second list…
Even better if you can put in the time slots and amount of time you usually spend on each task.
Be honest with yourself…
- Wake up at 7am
- S.S.S. from 7am – 8am
- Eat breakfast from 8am – 8:30am
- Check email from 8:30am – 9am
- Client prospecting from 9am – 10am
- Went LIVE on FB from 10am – 10:15am
- Work on various projects from 10:15 – 12pm
- Go to the gym at 12pm – 2:30pm
- Pick up Casteel from school from 2:30pm – 3:30pm
- Eat lunch from 3:30pm – 4pm
- Work on various projects/check email from 4pm – 5pm
- Watch sports (basketball/football games on TV or my son’s high school) from 5pm – 9:30pm
- Work on various projects from 9:30pm – 11pm
- Go to bed at 11pm
Remove “Busy” Tasks
Once your second list is complete…
Number each time-slot accordingly.
Then go back to your first list with the 2022 pros/cons and put any number(s) next to each win/loss that has/had a direct impact on each win/loss.
- Created 250 videos on YouTube – 6
- Only grew my YouTube channel by 190 subscribers – 6
- Didn’t meet my client prospecting goal of 5 per day – 5
After you’ve put the corresponding daily routine numbers next to each of your pros/cons list…
Go back through your cons and see how you can improve them and turn the cons into pros in 2023 by changing your daily routine.
This may be by…
- Spending less time each day on certain tasks
- Changing what you’re doing on certain tasks
- Or even removing certain tasks altogether
Once you figure out the tasks you can make changes to in your daily routine in order to have more productivity (creating more pros and less cons) throughout the day/week/month/year…
It’s time to…
Plan Out Your Year Ahead
Now that you’ve figured out exactly what changes you need to make to your daily routine to achieve your goals…
You can use a calendar (i.e. Google Calendar) to plan out your projects and goals for the entire year.
If you’re not sure what you write down…
Think about where you are right now with your goals…
Then think about what it will take to accomplish those goals…
And then estimate how long it will take to reach those goals.
Give yourself ample (realistic) time so that you can see progress and actually obtain your goals.
Hold Yourself Accountable
At this point, here’s what you should have completed so far…
- Written down the Pros/Cons from 2022
- Written down your daily routine from 2022
- You’ve matched up the things you do daily that have contributed to your pros/cons
- You’ve modified your daily routine for 2023 to help you add more pros, but more importantly avoid the cons
- You’ve planned out tasks/projects/goals on a yearly calendar
You’re now well on your way to improve upon your success year-after-year…
If you follow this procedure every year going forward.
Now comes the hard part…
You need to hold yourself accountable for sticking to your modified daily routine and track your progress.
This is THE HARDEST part of the whole process…
It’s why 99% of Local Small Business Consultants fail.
They simply don’t have the discipline to stick to a daily/weekly/monthly routine where they can measure and assess their progress.
If that’s you…
Don’t worry, there is hope for you too!
But you may need a little extra push here and there…
And that’s where hiring a coach or mentor may help.
Why A Coach Or Mentor May Be The Missing Piece To Your Business
There’s no shame in asking for help or needing a coach or mentor.
In fact, the most successful business owners have had coaches/mentors along the way.
Unfortunately, most coaches/mentors don’t get the credit they deserve…
But they’re there lurking in the shadows.
It’s funny how we’re all very accustomed to coaches when it comes to sports…
But when it comes to business, it’s not typically something we associate with.
I’m not quite sure why that is…
My hunch tells me it’s because we all have egos and our egos believe we don’t need one.
And my second thought is that we’re in a relatively new era of “internet businesses” (over the past 15-20 years or so)…
Where anyone with an Internet connection can start a business…
So having a coach is still a relatively new concept for most people, especially if they are becoming a business owner for the very first time.
Either way, I digress…
If you’re someone who feels like you’re spinning your wheels…
Then you’ll likely need to put your ego aside and hire a coach or mentor or seek out a group coaching program.
Here’s to a prosperous 2023!
I hope you have a Happy New Year!
1. Free your time and scale your Digital Marketing Agency without increasing your workload by getting easy to sell recurring clients in 8 weeks or less here.
2. Build better, faster “Hybrid Sales Funnel Websites” which are proven to reduce bounce rate and generate more leads & sales here.
3. Easily schedule & recycle 18,000+ images in over 101+ niche/industry specific image packs here.
4. Use these high quality professionally designed social media image packs in over 101+ niches/industries here.
5. Level up your knowledge through training programs & done-for-you digital assets specifically for Local Small Business Consultants and Digital Marketing Agency Owners here.
6. Turn your social media profiles into lead generating landing pages here.
7. Remove the complexity, confusion, and overwhelm when it comes to connecting all the tech with sales funnels, email marketing and paid ads here.
Here are some shortcuts to my socials and other important information… 😉